Monday, May 30, 2011

Spaghetti and weight loss article

New article I wrote featured on

Friday, May 13, 2011

Get your mind ready for weight loss

After figuring out what is causing you to gain weight and figuring out your weight loss plan; then, we need to make sure our mind is ready for the journey.  Getting yourself in the right mindset is, in my opinion, the biggest piece to the puzzle.  We must learn to think of ourselves and healthy foods more positively and learn to think of unhealthy foods as "not so great after all."  We also need to learn how to self talk when we are facing weak moments.  Too often, when we are feeling weak, we start rationalizing and talking ourselves into eating that food we shouldn't.  Instead, we must learn how to talk ourselves out of caving into the pressure.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Health Tip

 Sometimes getting a break to recharge is needed to keep us motivated &  healthy.  So I wish you a happy pampered Mother's Day.  Getting a day to take a bubble bath, rest, read a book, shop without the kids, get a manicure or your hair done can really help you feel refreshed and beautiful.  When we feel rested and feel better about ourselves, we want to treat ourselves and our bodies better; thus, we take better care of our health.  So if you have someone you trust to watch the kids every once in a while so that you can take some time for just you, then I would recommend it.  Afterall, a de-stressed mom, is going to be more interactive with their children when they return.